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Stankstix Review 2020 – Can It Really Remove and Prevent Nasty Odours Naturally?

Stank Stix Review – Introduction

Just imagine the weather outside is too hot and it is making you sweat a lot. That is just making you smell bad and disgusted with your self. Did you know that bacteria growth causes bad odour?

The bad odour usually comes from our armpits, or clothing and even our shoes. What we all generally end up doing is spray excessive deodorant/perfume to get rid of the smell but eventually still end up smelling the same. The more you use chemicals on your body, the more harmful it is for the skin. But worry, not a new innovate product called Stan Stix is here for your rescue and helps with the process of getting rid of the bacteria that cause odour to permanently eliminate the problem of bad smell. 

In the United States of America, the cleaning products contributed to a business of multi-billion dollars but no product has ever been invented, to get rid of odour from the roots. Krista, a determined mother, who was fed up of her son’s stinking socks and shoes came up with this revolutionary product that can help get rid of all the unpleasant smell around you. And this is where the idea of Stank Stix came in.

Fun Fact: Stank Stix was first called Glove Stix and was invented to get rid of the smell in the gloves. But this product worked so well that it was recommended to apply to almost everything around.

What is Stank Stix?

Stank Stix was a part of a show called Shark Tank and gained lots of momentum there. It is a product that has created a revolution in the management of odour, which helps get rid of 99.99% bacteria without the use of any harmful chemicals or substances. 

Initially named ShoeStix, this product works by attracting bad-odour causing bacteria from the equipment, clothes and shoes.

This product is an award-winning product who’s patent is pending for their feature of being an odour eraser. It is quite simple to use and does not make use of any harmful substances at all. All that is required is for it to be placed in your shoes, clothes bag, or near your equipment and that should be left for about 24 hours. The Stank Stix will absorb any kind of harmful moisture and get rid of all the bad odour by removing 99.99% bacteria and making it smell fresh and new.

Stank Stix was recognized in Shank Tank and was funded for $150,000 by Alex Rodriguez and Lori Greiner. Once they got to know the details of the product and how it works, they gained interest in the product and thought of investing in it seeing the passion of Krista.

How does the Stank Stix Work?

The product makes use of three pillars or three major things that are involved in its working:

  1. Silver Seal Technology: It is a known fact that silver has the antimicrobial properties of stopping any kind of bacteria growth. Hence, silver combined with any natural plant based-oil can work as a deadly mix for killing bacteria. This is the technology that is used behind this product and is a key ingredient in making it successful.
  2. Non-Toxic Materials: The product is composed of natural materials and does not make use of any kind of harmful substances. The materials are 100 per cent non-toxic and are capable of lasting for almost a decade or even more. The only thing required to do with these materials is to change the inserts of them.
  3. Non-Toxic Deodorizing Inserts: These inserts that are non-toxic work by absorbing the moisture and storing them inside. This whole process helps in eliminating any kind of odour from your shoes, trash, cans and even clothes. The Stank Stix works by absorbing all the moisture. The materials are great to use and remove the root cause of bad odour for a long-lasting effect.
  4. While there are tons of other products in the market but no product works like this because all they do is cover up the bad smell rather than get rid of it. What ends up happening is that Bacteria like staph, MRSA keep growing inside and the smell gets worse with time. Stank Stix works by attacking the bacteria and eventually killing it. Hence, the smell will not become pleasant suddenly, but instead, it will go away for a long time.

Features of Stank Stix

  1. The Secret Ingredient: As stated above silver comes with antimicrobial properties that help in getting rid of 99.99% bacteria that cause odour and eliminates the odour quickly. This product is filled with this powerful material and works more effectively than any other product in the market.
  2. Quick Results: All that is required is for you to place the product wherever you want to get rid of the bad odour for 24 hours and you will be surprised to see how quickly does it work.
  3. Kills the most stubborn smells: Stank Stix as a product is useful for your shoes, your clothes, garbage bags, equipment etc. And it is so powerful and effective that there will be no worry about bad odour for a long time.
  4. Safe for the Family: They consist of non-toxic materials only and is made with a combination of plant-based oils 100% natural ingredients.
  5. Long-Lasting: This product can last you for almost 10 years and there is no need of buying a new Stank Stix for every season. It just requires for the inserts to be replaced every season for the most effective performance.
  6. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee: Like most products that are authentic, this product also works on ultimate customer satisfaction and if you are not happy with this product, the option of returning it is always available.
  7. No weird Masking Scents: This product does not work by replacing the odour but instead focuses more on removing the odour completely from its roots. It just helps neutralize the smell and get rid of the bacteria that cause the odour. So no other smell comes out of this product.

Benefits of Stank Stix

Stank Stix was funded by renowned entrepreneurs and it is one product that lasts a long time, which talks a lot about its durability and other features.

Disadvantages of Stank Stix

Stank Stix is a great product to use and caters to all the bad odour problems. Nothing much can be said about the product because there is not too much bad to say about this product except that the deodorizer bag inserts need replacement.


Stank Stix has created a huge demand in the market and comes packed with tons of offers at different prices to ensure utmost customer satisfaction. Lots of deals and promotional offers are attached to this product and if you buy more than one, there is no cost of shipping and handling. If you know someone is going through the same trouble of bad odour, then you can recommend this product or even gift it to your family and friends and help them get rid of this.

What makes Stank Stix a million-dollar product?

One of the great innovations of the cleaning industry, this product bypasses all standards of a product that comes inhibiting such great and unique features. This product compared to the others is completely free of any toxic materials and uses no hazardous or harmful chemicals in its making. Most of the cleaning products don’t work well, but this one is the best in the industry and is great to use.

Why should you choose Stank Stix over other products?

One of the major reasons for this product to gain so much momentum and recognition is that it is devoid of any harmful chemicals and substances. 

Completely non-toxic, Stank Stix aims to offer great solutions to bacteria odour by keeping in mind the safety of its consumers. 

It does not work by masking any smell, rather works by eliminating the bad odour from the surface in just 24 hours. The product is a winner and is backed by renowned people in the industry who work towards providing utmost customer satisfaction with easy solutions. This product works by solving the problems of bad odour that can be present in your environment and does so without any sprays or chemicals. 


This product called Stank Stix has created a revolution and works wonders. It is quite an effective product to use and removes all kinds of odours by getting rid of the bacteria. By using non-toxic materials, this product is safe to use even when kids are around. 

Stank Stix is highly recommended and is so dynamic that it can be applied almost anywhere you like. Because it was featured on Shark Tank, millions of people started making use of this product and this product gained great reviews from everyone who was using it. 

Hence, go out there and buy this product to get rid of the entire bad odour in your homes. And yes, you don’t even have to buy this product repeatedly every season.

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